Bradford Werner Plays Kellner

Bradford Werner plays the Rondeau, Pastorel, Passepied, and Giga by David Kellner (1670-1748) arranged for classical guitar (originally for lute). You can find my sheet music edition here. David Kellner (1670-1748) was a German composer of the baroque period and…

Virtual Guitar Orchestra – Scient, Safe and Sane

The Virtual Guitar Orchestra is at it again with a second edition, Scient, Safe and Sane by Sergio Assad with organizers Mak Grgic and Uros Baric. This comes via their sponsor Guitar Salon International‘s YouTube channel (see additional sponsors in YouTube description). The orchestra includes some of the world’s…

Virtual Guitar Orchestra

The Virtual Guitar Orchestra plays Kaleidokithara by Sergio Assad with 144 players from over 50 countries. This project was created by orchestra founder Mak Grgic along with Sergio Assad and Uros Baric. I was very happy to be able to…

Bradford Werner Plays Gran Vals by Tarrega

Bradford Werner plays Gran Vals by Francisco Tarrega (1852-1909) – This is one of the most popular Romantic era works in the guitar repertoire. It’s also known as the Nokia tune or Grande Valse / Grand Waltz. It has been…

Bradford Werner Plays Six Pavans by Luis de Milan

Bradford Werner plays Six Pavans by Luis de Milan (c.1500-1561) – Originally for vihuela. The six pavans (pavanes, or pavanas) by Luis de Milán (c.1500-1561), also Luys Milán, come from his Libro de música de vihuela de mano intitulado El Maestro…

Bradford Werner Plays Weiss Sonata IX

Bradford Werner Plays Sonata IX in C Major by Weiss

Sonata IX in C Major by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687–1750) – Prelude, Allemande, Courante, Bourée, Sarabande, Menuet 1 & 2, Presto. Arranged for Classical Guitar by Bradford Werner. Comes with a fingered editorial edition and an unfingered non-editorial edition (see preface…

Bradford Werner plays Tombeau by Weiss

Here I am playing Tombeau sur la Mort de M. Comte d’Logy arrivée 1721 (London Manuscript) by Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687–1750). One of the most important Baroque lutenists and composers and a direct contemporary of Bach, we are very lucky…

Bradford Werner Plays Dyens

Bradford Werner plays Impressions soleil couchant by Dyens

Bradford Werner plays Impressions soleil couchant (à Francis Poulenc) by Roland Dyens (1955-2016) and via my YouTube. I’m posting weekly student and intermediate pieces on my guitar blog. I love this simple hommage to Poulenc that I’ll pair with Poulenc’s Sarabande. This comes from Dyen’s…

Bradford Werner Plays Sarabande by Poulenc

Bradford Werner Plays Sarabande by Poulenc

Bradford Werner plays Sarabande for Guitar, To Ida Presti, (FP179) by Francis Poulenc (1899-1963). Composed in 1960. I love this piece for it’s motivic repetition and overall calm feel.  Read more via wiki: “Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc (1899–1963) was a…