VCM Guitar Orchestra and Youth Ensemble

VCM GUITAR ORCHESTRA & YOUTH ENSEMBLE June 6, 2013, 7:00PM Wood Hall Victoria Conservatory of Music 900 Johnson St. Admission by Donation Music by Handel, Camisassa, Almeida, Carmichael, Joplin, and more! Directed my Michael Dias and Bradford Werner.

Studio Recital, May 16th, 2013

Students of Bradford Werner May 16th, 7:00pm Wood Hall Victoria Conservatory of Music Sena & Bradford Werner: The Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saëns (1835–1921) James: Valsa-Choro by Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887–1959) Bonnie: La Chasse by Napoléon Coste (1805–1883) John: Sueño (Reverie) by José Viñas (1823-1888) Daniel: Stairway to Heaven by…

‘A Place’ and ‘Platero & I’ with Douglas Hensley

‘A Place’ and ‘Platero & I’ classical guitar, storytelling, table top puppetry, live low-tech video projection Saturday, April 20 1983 Fairfield 8 pm / $15 FOR INVITATIONS & INFORMATION CONTACT TIMGOSLEY@TELUS.NET or (250) 598-7488 INTIMIATE PERFORMANCES IN AN INTIMATE HOME…

Quelus Guitar Duo play Valderrábano/Morales

Video Link:  Andreas Christi famulus by Cristóbal de Morales (ca.1500-1553). Arranged by Enriquez de Valderrábano (c.1500-1557) and Quleus Guitar Duo. Valderrábano only intabulated the first half of the Morales work so we finished the second half. Quelus Guitar Duo: Bradford…

Congrats to my festival students 2013

It was a great festival this year with adjudicator Matthew McAllister (Scotland). Matthew gave such great advice and the students loved him. I was super proud of all my students. They not only shared all their hard work and musical…

Quelus Guitar Duo Play Haydn

String Quartet Op. 2 No. 5 — Finale by Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) arr. de Fossa (1775-1849) Quelus Guitar Duo: Bradford Werner & Michael Dias Recorded April 3rd, 2013 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Victoria, BC Video Link: 

Quelus Guitar Duo Play Ponce

Quelus Guitar Duo Plays Scherzino Mexicano by Ponce Scherzino Mexicano by Manuel Ponce (1882-1948) Quelus Guitar Duo: Bradford Werner & Michael Dias Recorded April 3rd, 2013 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Victoria, BC Sheet Music:…

Quelus Duo Play Celso Machado

A nice music vid of Michael and I playing Celso Machado’s Xaranga do Vovo. Quelus Guitar Duo Bradford Werner & Michael Dias Saturday, March 30th, 2013, 7:30pm More concert info Video Link (Source):

Quelus Guitar Duo – March 2013

Quelus Guitar Duo Bradford Werner & Michael Dias Saturday, March 30th, 2013, 7:30pm Tickets: $15 General / $10 Students Robin & Winifred Wood Hall Victoria Conservatory of Music 900 Johnson Street An evening of classical guitar duos with music by…

VCM Guitar Faculty Play Vivaldi

VCM Guitar Faculty: Bradford Werner, Michael Dias, and Douglas Hensley play Antonio Vivaldi’s (1678–1741) Concerto in G major, RV. 532

Three Lute Trios by Giovanni Pacoloni

Finally getting around to posting these on my blog. The Victoria Guitar Trio perform Three Lute Trios by Giovanni Pacoloni: Padoana de Force de Hercules, Passemezo della Bataglia, Saltarello Ungaro.  Bradford Werner, Adrian Verdejo, Michael Dias.